CBO Accounting - VO, MS, ZS
Andhra Pradesh


State : Andhra Pradesh Report Generated Date : 28-11-2024
(Amount in Lakhs)    
S.NoDistrict NameTotal VO'sAdministrative ExpensesAdv.Payable / Current LiabilitiesAdv Receivable/ Current AssetsBorrowingsCapital GrantsCommissionsFees And ChargesFixed AssetsInsuranceInterest On Deposits & BorrowingsInterset On LoansInvestmentsLoansOther Advances (Assets)Other Advances (Liabilities)Other ExpendituresOther IncomeProgramme GrantsProject Advances (Assets)Project Advances (Liabilities)Salary GrantsSavings and DepositsService Charges from SHG'sShare CapitalStaff Advances (Liabilities)Opening Cash BalanceOpening Bank BalanceTotal ReceiptsAdministrative ExpensesAdv.Payable / Current LiabilitiesAdv Receivable/ Current AssetsBorrowingsCapital GrantsFees And ChargesFinancial ExpensesFixed AssetsInsuranceInterest On Deposits & BorrowingsInvestmentsLoansMeetingsOther Advances (Assets)Other Advances (Liabilities)Other ExpendituresProgramme GrantsProject Advances (Assets)Project Advances (Liabilities)Provisions From AmruthahastamSavings and DepositsService Charges from Other InstitutionsShare CapitalStaff Advances (Assets)TrainingsClosing Cash BalanceClosing Bank BalanceTotal Payments
1 Alluri Sitharama Raju 1118 1178.35 4220.74 14.50 16835.62 6269.00 1.11 136.43 10.42 7.53 875.08 2521.05 460.93 10100.66 145.46 1388.56 63.92 32671.62 67.93 1.50 70.97 57.55 429.45 96.72 168.96 0.00 58.06 979.80 78831.89 4858.93 3710.07 221.37 8338.78 1781.29 1217.70 97.17 126.18 0.00 1843.51 58.22 21481.39 0.63 1147.47 1036.83 4056.13 35.69 10.85 22.17 20.72 323.74 80.47 51.18 0.00 48.43 73272.89 -45022.86 78831.89
2 Anakapalli 1292 1281.93 6111.55 82.29 95377.71 683.92 4.29 186.06 100.83 10.65 455.59 12704.54 85.52 81047.81 967.82 3415.38 112.17 4448.05 33.61 34.42 1027.38 1.95 2551.56 805.20 193.52 0.00 36.19 760.38 212520.34 5289.34 7048.94 256.05 76639.55 765.75 1597.61 94.35 113.08 9.17 11548.29 55.59 97188.29 0.69 1032.93 3463.41 3091.65 43.53 44.56 970.74 4.31 1687.70 148.76 112.09 0.00 12.99 47.95 1210.92 212520.34
3 Anantapuramu 1353 5426.24 7340.84 91.97 70758.46 1427.18 0.85 247.69 87.36 23.47 830.90 11901.70 431.56 63414.13 1550.37 4708.05 126.72 9335.70 81.27 58.99 455.19 17.79 1887.42 166.65 209.29 0.00 19.11 1286.82 181885.71 15509.43 4539.70 306.83 50995.98 889.64 1379.15 99.22 101.50 6.77 8740.76 67.88 85900.24 1.63 3141.83 2832.94 3461.40 133.94 152.08 335.83 67.57 1062.33 100.91 125.46 0.00 70.92 37.96 1775.95 181885.71
4 Annamayya 1056 7369.71 5402.72 17.34 14885.73 1332.01 1.29 128.73 1.87 3.81 482.35 6804.84 585.51 32138.19 471.55 7026.33 57.73 6181.84 65.92 7.46 268.27 32.05 4625.91 587.60 455.99 0.00 32.16 1153.90 90120.83 15156.88 1746.92 324.62 12001.74 335.45 1080.72 96.06 70.95 0.11 2666.92 67.90 42005.36 5.53 3997.67 2191.12 1471.18 66.52 77.82 183.22 36.63 1679.34 86.88 171.05 0.00 67.80 338.65 4203.67 90120.83
5 BAPATLA 1047 1083.58 3312.87 11.87 90041.82 1857.22 0.09 203.75 289.06 3.55 528.29 18810.93 88.70 82236.19 1047.13 6378.06 9.39 1322.41 1.75 25.06 420.79 0.00 1848.92 374.05 106.54 0.00 8.69 897.91 210908.63 8372.11 3177.84 143.04 74447.63 1733.91 262.08 25.63 341.02 0.00 11393.48 65.39 100597.75 0.14 1233.92 5988.65 239.69 31.87 20.51 429.34 5.02 1039.33 35.51 23.14 0.00 5.56 30.97 1269.68 210908.63
6 Chittoor 1246 7425.84 6534.71 211.74 42332.78 1000.91 0.39 177.90 26.52 9.76 522.50 42601.61 874.50 97553.93 1863.20 8788.54 70.39 9312.24 56.52 57.03 450.92 26.61 19900.51 643.36 350.82 1.33 24.45 1520.02 242339.05 24855.72 1730.16 541.02 36939.01 251.42 8167.45 20184.38 119.40 1.28 7445.36 183.10 116838.44 1.17 6483.21 3409.55 367.10 56.00 130.78 390.97 15.17 6374.22 136.36 149.01 0.06 8.97 784.89 6660.73 242339.05
7 DR.BR AMBEDKAR KONASEEMA 1095 2440.75 4212.38 61.05 45274.22 1073.08 4.12 163.47 152.09 105.85 998.57 8893.22 315.04 21538.94 209.98 629.36 345.61 33719.89 13.06 26.03 394.20 75.13 1348.07 430.92 77.73 0.00 26.78 398.69 122928.21 13481.38 8660.15 218.93 19674.24 264.32 2794.05 244.69 95.61 4.66 3150.76 107.56 32208.32 1.83 339.53 6403.12 33403.76 10.79 89.09 49.38 0.98 501.37 118.19 16.47 0.00 432.66 18.06 731.40 122928.21
8 East Godavari 899 1829.82 4417.49 57.86 24768.70 1145.11 8.24 171.42 117.67 119.65 454.19 2607.23 160.86 15450.32 610.77 487.00 724.86 28331.11 34.26 136.49 682.34 121.97 1590.67 448.81 138.26 0.00 10.89 397.21 85023.21 11345.09 8862.45 229.14 13832.45 585.80 2408.84 95.80 115.10 0.02 2343.50 54.38 23929.71 4.50 342.27 721.61 17172.51 38.31 182.13 353.22 3.47 1365.01 168.11 48.30 0.00 146.29 9.05 639.53 85023.21
9 ELURU 1396 2292.01 6277.14 87.74 41332.86 2738.76 260.60 705.60 51.10 583.32 731.86 6291.34 181.17 33377.12 316.08 2347.06 669.27 28792.84 28.11 31.71 915.37 1.13 925.41 630.84 417.24 0.00 11.71 927.34 130924.72 7206.66 9483.78 573.53 31253.18 1039.19 1648.88 108.76 518.56 6.57 14658.89 70.23 44303.08 2.90 1271.22 1829.59 12388.42 278.03 81.21 706.76 7.26 1047.73 139.52 129.15 0.00 500.89 31.02 1648.17 130924.72
10 Guntur 588 5264.75 2232.89 25.05 41911.34 1967.37 0.09 174.04 272.07 0.88 312.08 5990.90 149.99 36953.98 294.74 4098.39 16.52 2033.14 1.56 3.14 258.63 0.00 1688.66 373.44 61.22 0.00 1.99 587.73 104674.57 8975.01 1687.50 59.09 33554.60 1786.24 840.18 17.02 279.03 0.60 5057.42 76.32 45688.58 0.04 671.01 3734.29 285.37 0.77 28.24 209.43 0.00 901.95 34.92 22.64 0.00 2.61 3.96 769.42 104674.57
11 Kadapa 1124 3581.01 3589.54 24.27 21278.41 869.11 1.04 61.76 54.01 18.65 472.78 6134.84 346.98 28856.09 444.12 2214.25 134.45 6499.93 11.01 17.79 253.70 13.73 1308.82 309.58 146.40 0.00 27.46 841.37 77511.09 10303.73 1457.45 224.95 16127.22 252.31 823.91 44.96 137.18 2.28 3500.80 86.03 35533.12 1.20 1231.04 1168.97 2678.16 17.22 104.24 208.93 0.89 1023.54 70.20 146.84 0.00 49.98 233.36 2006.91 77511.09
12 Kakinada 1125 1293.43 4805.55 36.23 39112.67 1062.03 0.38 362.91 94.98 36.09 298.27 4639.94 444.00 26540.16 61.91 2684.98 600.56 21531.08 6.76 1.06 309.93 9.60 1000.40 318.72 163.61 0.00 25.22 422.96 105863.43 5986.32 9770.14 292.14 23889.91 364.51 983.49 85.29 129.87 0.00 4268.50 62.76 40454.90 0.78 738.04 2592.22 14677.22 5.32 154.93 29.16 1.24 374.96 121.70 45.51 0.00 188.08 18.94 628.66 105863.43
13 Krishna 1118 3180.78 4459.03 175.16 59721.83 1349.72 214.98 1795.14 95.88 73.44 1271.65 18149.40 229.51 57158.08 522.56 2742.07 62.80 4615.75 12.60 80.63 353.70 0.22 2448.93 764.99 584.26 0.00 20.40 1248.63 161332.14 8434.34 4011.89 515.50 48165.00 1184.83 9901.34 106.27 174.38 1.09 8234.21 125.84 71448.55 1.70 1185.93 1951.79 500.73 126.13 61.17 354.97 14.45 2187.97 127.35 225.22 0.00 23.37 40.00 2172.66 161332.14
14 Kurnool 962 1391.88 4363.12 34.55 22076.16 1182.34 0.47 122.83 44.27 0.05 391.88 2971.46 243.31 19041.34 594.46 14085.64 32.68 3279.03 3.96 10.52 176.46 0.48 684.28 25.99 57.57 0.00 12.10 538.79 71365.62 3367.22 4563.00 135.10 15749.61 760.85 499.48 59.94 82.94 0.00 2371.74 85.77 24652.74 0.08 986.21 13452.64 3004.32 4.21 37.39 157.58 0.00 249.18 30.56 15.21 0.00 25.43 45.32 1011.27 71365.62
15 Nandyal 1126 31952.38 5169.46 114.41 92065.42 1096.83 1.18 125.49 54.17 1.21 320.90 17755.40 135.09 44939.56 286.48 5440.64 52.45 6090.38 9.94 18.02 359.42 3.44 1351.05 66.96 179.33 0.00 14.01 536.88 208140.51 5260.33 5341.71 285.08 38113.15 675.89 7560.41 44.68 145.67 0.73 6046.76 59.38 59782.53 0.04 1013.67 4634.75 7107.78 5.73 82.25 231.05 2.50 653.52 95.55 64.55 0.00 43.21 2859.84 67985.25 208140.51
16 Nellore 1203 1360.91 4718.36 150.86 53556.52 1658.64 1.14 272.88 221.16 30.88 600.15 6641.86 187.11 36069.37 232.89 8073.24 170.69 12219.82 80.83 76.04 694.87 143.38 1343.55 486.78 824.68 0.00 19.33 676.13 130512.05 5680.82 5546.43 352.75 34469.55 644.16 836.77 146.10 116.02 3.65 6463.70 52.24 54338.76 0.37 6585.23 2430.75 9608.12 92.88 80.51 396.89 8.31 1035.84 137.90 124.90 0.00 180.50 4.65 1212.28 130512.05
17 NTR 765 1949.57 2970.44 136.22 22848.62 1141.36 68.29 1081.73 30.70 15.23 471.98 3263.24 343.79 17166.17 281.66 1344.59 60.63 5306.02 27.53 49.11 290.37 12.08 1206.71 675.22 349.86 0.00 7.60 732.86 61831.55 6620.85 3438.97 229.91 15886.44 652.36 1319.14 135.91 79.76 5.45 3220.70 63.30 23166.61 4.72 841.54 1127.50 2420.00 27.55 32.37 223.95 12.94 964.26 78.41 96.74 0.00 35.90 16.45 1120.37 61831.55
18 PALNADU 1060 4286.72 3680.37 26.52 53205.01 890.14 2.18 517.93 53.38 2.41 420.07 6757.50 178.35 43104.28 283.45 4594.17 26.06 1209.70 9.37 1.85 274.47 0.03 1596.72 709.23 117.07 0.00 15.72 778.33 122741.07 7806.62 3481.24 180.09 41629.17 592.99 362.88 40.21 123.75 1.92 6270.27 47.05 54153.74 0.42 674.42 4110.48 820.30 10.89 22.15 242.98 1.74 711.49 161.91 21.44 0.00 9.95 23.11 1232.29 122741.07
19 Parvathipuram Manyam 575 1091.65 2611.58 50.94 22645.09 850.95 34.40 68.65 7.36 48.33 408.73 3303.47 113.77 15738.26 755.99 5444.16 62.02 1223.38 88.79 4.45 318.72 0.00 558.79 115.37 356.37 0.00 0.78 646.14 56548.16 2482.25 2535.87 155.63 15609.31 380.64 558.07 73.33 29.78 0.00 2991.32 32.15 22923.96 0.08 1941.57 4246.42 678.43 105.75 18.62 280.24 13.01 456.94 29.61 142.21 0.00 2.74 40.65 809.67 56548.16
20 Prakasam 1540 1415.05 6224.26 169.97 80258.06 2468.92 1.33 381.70 37.19 22.94 845.27 17420.21 141.34 75141.59 1078.43 3226.12 32.59 27170.17 101.38 62.60 427.27 0.00 5307.37 280.27 240.61 0.00 15.94 1174.61 223645.19 10131.21 5351.71 518.02 62622.33 1709.03 920.63 98.87 71.47 5.35 34639.66 86.47 95182.57 0.19 1883.92 2542.84 585.84 120.80 72.56 417.78 14.58 4977.97 67.20 78.43 0.00 24.86 26.89 1509.90 223645.19
21 Sri Sathya Sai 1509 66420.86 57708.54 23.90 22281487281.04 1528.84 10001.24 244.35 62.94 16.48 20638.85 10731.95 261.88 55004.59 1070.71 4131.82 40076.07 905933.47 66.79 32.64 447.82 23.12 1460.33 20137.39 148.18 0.00 26.27 1127.52 22282684607.62 13145.04 5549.16 282.03 48815.73 704.96 1011731.54 85.28 132.63 3.06 8709.75 74.29 71567.36 1.76 2362.37 2342.02 2800.55 59.72 185.16 361.45 38.55 660.75 58.25 83.20 0.00 49.19 3024036.07 22278520697.76 22282684607.62
22 Srikakulam 1302 2899.73 30592.66 69.40 77489.05 1545.03 2.95 206.57 40.89 21.53 839.52 23678.58 306.10 69391.48 2200.40 15756.21 85.27 3094.59 67.55 77.82 1221.94 0.87 1990.07 512.82 1219.03 0.00 12.91 1490.46 234813.44 41772239886.89 6720.29 306.71 61720.94 1247.26 702.87 75.63 99.53 6.63 10718.82 135.84 87423.81 1.51 5827.73 13007.47 904.75 110.43 74.09 1292.16 13.65 1448.75 125.77 988.63 0.00 7.90 -41772199912.53 1750.46 234813.44
23 Tirupati 1292 4790.08 5601.21 58.76 60681.06 1417.62 1.16 204.69 9.06 10.16 717.40 15026.66 692.65 89452.86 1569.88 8291.60 103.29 5861.78 62.72 22.08 432.03 2.66 6168.97 638.31 310.73 0.00 13.66 1128.25 203269.33 13402.88 3365.30 309.10 48662.81 559.12 1363.88 140.82 87.46 1.11 7840.33 163.19 110340.15 1.22 4734.10 4836.25 1901.62 36.56 87.24 330.08 20.33 2038.02 110.97 123.15 0.00 49.58 120.55 2646.26 203269.33
24 Visakhapatnam 170 64.21 849.63 13.55 16344.50 23.51 0.23 41.68 9.27 1.27 64.36 2128.64 6.17 16201.56 136.37 560.88 5.47 343.61 5.21 5.44 129.37 0.00 540.64 76.66 72.01 0.00 7.95 94.09 37726.28 406.07 785.39 18.07 13723.27 16.51 192.51 7.35 11.49 1.04 1778.38 12.41 19241.85 0.09 161.99 526.41 78.45 2.12 7.98 120.30 0.00 289.75 9.94 42.63 0.00 0.19 23.52 266.68 37726.28
25 Vizianagaram 1044 2202.13 3289.57 75.17 90853.04 277.37 91.85 460.91 33.78 0.01 721.94 18233.07 112.23 66274.40 1289.12 14107.64 15.96 1103.05 4.76 48.97 661.18 0.03 1566.45 801.76 743.96 0.00 3.18 513.34 203484.87 8567.72 2660.93 51.35 67567.13 260.59 613.98 12.27 73.49 0.00 11114.16 40.70 90449.81 4.57 4552.99 12964.89 397.42 5.23 117.93 624.73 3.87 1602.95 31.22 562.01 0.00 0.41 42.08 1145.88 203484.87
26 West Godavari 852 2315.08 4045.99 147.37 24468.96 1361.09 383.00 1118.56 44.76 832.08 455.60 3021.68 91.69 15794.30 762.03 1866.31 545.19 33534.91 49.50 74.99 647.17 14.78 1752.46 834.72 272.27 0.00 11.48 543.54 94989.51 12089.16 8979.19 348.21 14179.42 579.11 2398.10 303.29 304.13 4.51 3576.23 49.57 25085.77 1.36 1311.13 1553.47 19395.29 440.03 219.02 514.77 1.45 1824.09 172.16 143.34 0.00 212.38 5.15 891.24 94989.51
  Total 27857 165788.45 194742.64 1968.69 22282707404.68 38218.06 11086.89 9362.87 2002.79 1999.23 35130.76 278985.26 7167.75 1149685.36 19047.56 133831.05 44262.76 1195165.51 992.69 965.84 11942.48 558.60 67082.12 31312.36 7965.51 1.33 464.04 21403.70 22286138539.02 41772468622.00 124206.18 7078.26 924608.15 20018.13 1062165.66 22523.28 3679.98 66.00 190594.22 1983.56 1495887.39 39.15 55692.94 105099.98 143496.19 1866.02 2174.88 9438.08 308.64 36482.70 2478.33 3752.50 0.06 2200.79 -41769097800.55 22278580974.15 22286138539.02